Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Deco Steamed Cupcake Recipe by Song Sweet Song

Let's Start making Deco Steamed Cupcake


1.Pancake mix 100 g

2.milk 60 cc

3.sugar 30 g

4. 1 egg

5.melted unsalted butter 15 g

6. all-purpose flour (for decoration part) coloring


1. Whisk egg , sugar and milk in a bowl 

2. add pancake mix into the egg mixture and mix until smooth

3.pour the melted butter into flour mixture and mix until combined

4. For Decoration part : Scoop 3 Tsp of Mixture 3. into 1 Tsp. of all-purpose flour , mix well , add food coloring then add to piping bag

5.Fill Mixture 3. about ¾ of baking cup height and draw the patterns on top with mixture 4.

6.Steam for 8-10 minutes

Tips cover the pot lid with Kitchen Roll Towels to prevent water condensation dripping onto the cakes

7. Ears part : Pipe triangle shape on baking sheet and steam for 3-4 minutes

8.Put ears part on Cupcake and DONE!

and some more cupcake that I made before



Check out my Instagram @songsweetsong and

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